Thursday, 21 June 2007

Calum and Grant Morrison

Calum beaming - he had been looking forward to this for quite some time - to meet Grant Morrison, the acclaimed comic, movie script and games writer. Here he is with Grant, proudly showing off his signed copy of We3. Bidding has just started for this item on eBay. (heh! heh! a joke!). I loved comics as a boy; Superman, Batman and Spiderman were obvious favourites. I also loved those Weird Worlds / Uncanny Tales comics too. I've always loved the dilemas and morality issues faced by comic heroes and villains, and agree with most fans that the genre has more depth and cred than most people realise.

Whilst Grant works part of the year with his partner in comics, artist Frank Quitely from a studio in sunny Glasgow, he is currently working on a couple of movies, one with New Line Cinema. This is a big screen version of We3. He's also doing Area 51, the movie of a game. So these two guys are doing some incredible work with Superman, Batman and the X-Men from a studio in Hope Street in Glasgow! I've been hooking Grant up with some television and media people I know in Glasgow to throw some business ideas around. Hope some interesting things come from this - meanwhile, an interesting clip of Grant and renowned writer and doctor Deepak Chopra at a recent comics convention. Watch and agree that comics have greater relevance today than when I was a nipper. I hope Calum keeps reading them and gets into what lies beyond the page. Maybe should have followed Deepak Chopra's lead and called Calum "Kandor"...

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