Thursday, 21 June 2007

Some Calum and Erin Pix

Calum, Erin, Mum and Gran prepare for the first day back at school, in Erin's case, her first ever day at school.

I love this picture of Erin on her first day at school. Defiance with a slight hint of hesitation? Looking closely, I think she's saying she's never going to lack confidence...

Then there's Calum and Erin limbering up for some etudes (it says here) All starts off very well. "Music hath charms..." and all that. Then the elbows get higher and wider, the fight for bum space gets heated. They could have 44 notes each, but they want 50. After 10 minutes, if they could, they'd be throwing the joanna at each other...

Kelvingrove Museum. Fantastic place. Anyone I know from 8 - 80 has great memories of this place. A renovation, 3 years and £28 million later, Calum and Erin cannot hide their rampant enthusiasm for all things cultural.

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